Number of implantations: 3922

Several times I have been directly asked by patients about my experience in the field of intravenous port implantation. Even I was not particularly surprised, after all, when deciding on a procedure, everyone wants it to be performed by an experienced person. It is natural to assume that someone who has done, for example, 1000 treatments has a different experience than someone who has done 100 of them.

Until now, I was rather surprised that there were no such questions. After all, it is easy to create an attractive website, having dozens of treatments for all the experience. This could be good, but it's only the beginning.

Therefore, I believe that anyone who deals with, for example, implantation of chemotherapy ports should place documented information on the number of procedures performed on their website. Then the patient can easily compare the data and make a decision.

That is why I have placed here printouts from the system used in the ATTIS Center to create medical records, which objectively records the procedures performed.

  Treatments per year Treatments per month
2018 74 above 6
2019 150 above 12
2020 526 above 43
2021 504 (and about 50 in hospitals other than ATTIS) above 47
2022 706 (and 321 in hospitals other than ATTIS) above 85
1st quarter 2023 287  above 95

Total number of implantations: 2577

To this should be added about 50 implantations performed at St. Anna in Piaseczno, about 60 implantations performed at the Grochowski Hospital and 229 implantations performed at the Southern Hospital. This gives a total of (as of November 8, 2022) 2,155 implantations performed from January 1, 2018, and approximately 850 implantations performed from January 1, 2022 to November 8, 2022.